Jumping for Joy in Bulimba

Jumping for Joy in Bulimba

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Welcome OnBoard A Journey of Discovery

This journey is different (I tell myself) to any other I have been on before, because I have no map, I don't know where I'm going, or what I will need for the journey. Even more profound is I have no idea where I am going to end up and that has always been important to me but I am determined that this will be exciting. Hence the photo I patched in somewhere to my blog... will be interested to see where it lands.

Thought I will try and keep some useful links to other sites, blogs, podcasts etc that I pick up along the way. I am hoping this L2TD builds my knowledge of what information literacy is really all about. I am overwhlemed with what there is to know and hoping this will provide me a space to capture what is most meaningful.

Just for the record two events yesterday sparked me to finally sign up to this course. I was talking to my father and sister who both live in the States. Talking on the phone is fine when you live close but when you live so far away from family you often long to see them (yes we had an attempt at Skype my mother couldn't work out how to get the camera set up and because I couldn't be there to help it all got too hard for her). Anyway Dad said "you'll have to look me up on the web I have a website". So I did and found he had set up a website on my parents home in Maine. It was wonderful to click on the website (you can even check it out http://www.fernwoods.weebly.com)/ and be talking to him at the same time - knowing we were both looking at the same thing - their home - but more importantly I realised that if my father at the age of 73 could become computer literate and technologically savvy than it was high time I continued this journey.

Another event was when attending the dentist office I happened on an article in Time Magazine on Happiness and how it is contagious. There was a picture of how others in your social circles can affect you and you them in terms of spreading happiness. I must chase up the diagram because it shows the percentage of effect different people have on us. But what it led me to thinking was just how connected everything is these days and how staying connected is so important.

Enough said time to post.

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